Acquisitions & Projects

Endicott Awarded $6 Million for Demolition of Old IBM Buildings

As originally published by WNBF. The long-planned project to tear down five large buildings once used by IBM Endicott has received a big boost with a multi-million dollar grant from New York state. The village of Endicott is to receive $6 million to help pay for the cost of demolition of 550,000-square-feet of vacant industrial space along North Street. The buildings are part of the Huron Campus. They are located east of McKinley Avenue. Mayor Linda Jackson on Tuesday afternoon said the award was ... Read More

2024-08-02T19:46:27+00:00December 21st, 2022|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|

Affiliate of Phoenix Investors Acquires Fujifilm Campus

An affiliate of Phoenix Investors ("Phoenix") announced the acquisition of the FUJIFILM ("Fujifilm") Campus in Greenwood, South Carolina. Constructed from the late 80s through the mid-2000s, the Campus includes 11 buildings, 500 acres, and over 2.7 million square feet. Fujifilm has leased back approximately 50% of the Campus; the rest will be marketed for lease to new tenants. Click here to read the full article by MarketWatch.

2024-08-02T20:01:21+00:00December 14th, 2022|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|

Phoenix Investors Acquires Gadsden, AL Industrial Campus

An affiliate of Phoenix Investors ("Phoenix") announced the acquisition of a Gadsden, AL Campus spanning about 3 million square feet. Renovated in 2015, the industrial property features 30 dock doors, clear heights up to 30 feet, close proximity to I-759 and I-59, and a central location between Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, and Chattanooga. Phoenix will market the space for lease after completing several capital and cosmetic improvements. In the process, the Gadsden area could gain around 1,200 employment opportunities. Click here to read the full ... Read More

2024-08-02T20:01:49+00:00December 13th, 2022|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|
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