
Businesses Taking Note of Racine County’s Market Potential

Businesses such as Amazon are now viewing Racine County, WI as an area of great potential, largely because of its proximity to both the Milwaukee and Chicago markets. In 2013, Phoenix Investors bought a building and 62 acres in Mount Pleasant, planning a warehouse, manufacturing facility, or self-storage center. Click here for the full article, written by Sean Ryan for the Milwaukee Business Journal.

2024-08-06T20:30:47+00:00July 26th, 2017|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|

Phoenix Investors closes on four building purchases, plans substantial growth in 2017

As reported in the Milwaukee Business Journal: Phoenix Investors is buying three large Wisconsin industrial buildings and one in Tennessee, expanding its building portfolio in separate end-of-the-year deals. Milwaukee-based Phoenix Investors is likely the most active local buyer of industrial buildings. That is likely to continue in 2017… Read the full story here

2024-08-06T20:43:12+00:00December 29th, 2016|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|

Phoenix Investors purchases three properties for $29.3 million

As reported in the Milwaukee Business News: Increases its Wisconsin industrial real estate portfolio to 6 million square feet In the last week, Milwaukee-based Phoenix Investors LLC, has purchased three industrial buildings at a total cost of $29.3 million and has increased its industrial real estate portfolio to about 6 million square feet in Wisconsin. The company purchased Shur-Line’s two industrial buildings in St. Francis for $8.8 million in a sale-leaseback deal last week. The company, which makes paining products including brushes and rollers, has ... Read More

2024-08-06T20:43:45+00:00December 29th, 2016|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Frank Crivello, Frank P. Crivello, Press|
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