Potential Buyer

Potential Buyer for Northridge Mall Adds Extra Security with Plans to Clean Up Property

Originally published by CBS 58. We're learning more about the real estate group interested in purchasing the former Northridge Mall site. Talks of turning the site over to the city for demolition were further delayed earlier this month, when Milwaukee-based Phoenix Investors signed a purchase agreement. A spokesperson with Phoenix Investors said the company has a history of restoring rundown buildings, and they see value in the 1 million sq. ft. Northridge Mall property. "They see the building, and the structure of this building, ... Read More

2024-08-02T19:16:52+00:00March 28th, 2023|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Phoenix Team|

Inside Look at Long-Abandoned Northridge Mall and Group Working to Save It

Originally published by WISN 12. A week after a last-second agreement to put the demolition of Northridge Mall on hold for a potential new buyer, WISN 12 News got an exclusive look inside the long abandoned mall and the work being done to secure it. Phoenix Investors LLC said it's in a pre-purchase agreement, during which it will need to show Milwaukee County Judge William Sosnay it's doing its due diligence in securing and taking beginning steps in renovating the Northridge Mall property. "The Phoenix team ... Read More

2024-08-02T19:20:35+00:00March 27th, 2023|Blog, Milwaukee, Phoenix Team, Press|
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