Fort Smith Relying on Trump to Invest in Infrastructure

Residents of Fort Smith, AR—where Trump won overwhelmingly in 2016—are waiting for details of a bill that would bolster the city's infrastructure. The president promised a $1 trillion, 10-year investment that would rebuild cities and generate millions of jobs. To read the full NBS News article, written by Jacob Soboroff and Aarne Heikkila, click here.

2024-08-06T20:32:05+00:00April 26th, 2017|Blog, Press|

Groundbreaking Ceremony at Fort Smith Site

Phoenix Investors hosted a groundbreaking ceremony in Fort Smith, AR to celebrate their purchase of the former Whirlpool plant. Phoenix plans to spend around $10 million rehabilitating the building, which was formerly used for refrigerator and freezer manufacturing. Click here to view the full Times Record article by Thomas Saccente.

2024-08-06T20:32:30+00:00April 21st, 2017|Acquisitions & Projects, Blog, Press|
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