Does Your Logistics Provider Improve Your Customer Experience?

Despite the comeback of brick-and-mortar retail in 2022, e-commerce has secured its place as an essential channel for customers. However, just as a retail clerk having a bad day or a dirty store might ruin the customer experience for shoppers, so can wrong, missing, or poorly packaged items in response to an online purchase. Hybrid shoppers have come to expect the same quality service online that they receive in a store, which makes your fulfillment house an extension of your overall brand. When selecting a ... Read More

2024-08-02T20:19:50+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Blog|

Can a 3PL Help With Your Fulfillment Labor Shortage?

The supply chain struggled with labor issues long before the rest of the corporate world caught on to the trend. Unfortunately, those numbers haven’t improved after several years of unprecedented supply chain volatility. For example, warehouses struggled with a 49% turnover rate in 2021, while transportation has famously suffered from a truck driver shortage for almost two decades. Industry-wide labor shortages make it difficult for fulfillment centers to stay properly staffed, and logistics operations aren’t alone. More than 4 million U.S. workers quit their jobs ... Read More

2024-08-02T20:20:29+00:00August 22nd, 2022|Blog|

4 Ways the Great Resignation is Impacting Industrial Real Estate

Most of the world is currently dealing with a phenomenon known as “The Great Resignation.” This name refers to an ongoing trend of corporate employees quitting their jobs in large numbers due to inadequate pay or benefits, cost of living in their region, COVID-19 health policies, desire for remote work, general job dissatisfaction, and many other reasons. While the labor market will inevitably find ways to correct itself, the timing of when this could happen remains fuzzy. In the meantime, every labor market segment is ... Read More

2024-08-02T20:20:57+00:00August 22nd, 2022|Blog|
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